
Saturday, November 27, 2010


What is sacrifice ? for the past 1 to 2 months, i have been learning about sacrifice. All that is written here will be based on my opinions and do correct me if what i said have went against the bible.
Anyway, what is sacrifice to you ?

The Cost
Personally for me, i have learnt sacrifice firstly through sin. Putting to death my sin and devoting myself to God was sacrifice. Through the path of devoting myself, i found that it was seriously difficult. It required me to lay down my pride and say "I am Yours, work in me which ever way You want to"
It was not easy at first, but starting with sin, it lead to more devotion, my dreams.. my life, my family, my human relationships.
sin and dreams were 2 major segments of my life, sin was due to habit that made it so dear to me. dreams were my fuel, it pushed me to work hard, hoping to achieve it someday.
After i set myself out to surrender these 2 areas to God, the rest just seems to set in.
The cost were high, but it was worth it.

Position of the Heart
Where does your heart lies ? Before this whole crazy change occurred, my heart was definitely to know God more or to get closer to Him. I have no idea where my heart truely lies. I was then challenged by my lifegroup leader to desire for Him. after wanting to devote myself to God, I needed to work out my desire, do i truely desire to have Him in my life ?
It took me quite awhile to find that answer, at first i was hesitating, i knew what was to come, judgement of people, a massive load of obstacles to clear, and full of crap from the devil. I had to prepare myself. But when i decided to to give my heart to God, I knew it was the right choice.
Having my heart now set towards God's direction, I had to propel myself forward, being pushed by my lifegroup to grow, any further growth would have to be self motivated, after all, i cant depend on others forever right ?
Similar to breakthroughs in life, once again, this was not easy. Shifting back my focus, I had to overcome the temptation of not dwelling about my past. My past was constantly haunting me, telling me, that my past will drag me down, that my struggle will eventually be futile.
but .. never listen to the hauntings, never give up !

Press On
As much as I know that it is tough, press on ! Because changes are never easy to cope with. Personally, i have my life group, an accountability group / partner to communicate with, to encourage and push me forward . Nevertheless, do keep yourself totally immersed with God. Drown yourself with prayers and scriptures, I started out with covering myself, allowing God to work through me, time and again i get beaten down by the devil, but yet i encourage you to get up on your feet and carry on with the journey. A tough journey makes the ending sweeter right ? the sweet taste of the end will be awesome after you have pulled past the breakthrough :)